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Author Archives: Andrew
Using alpine with Fastmail
I spent a bit of time the other day looking into using the terminal email client alpine with Fastmail. It wasn’t too hard, and things are working really well. There are basically four steps. (I’m using the default alpine provided by brew, on Mac OS.) Get an app password from Fastmail Set up IMAP, SMTP, …
I’m starting a depth year
Judging by the volume of posts I’ve seen on the topic, a lot of people are becoming frustrated by the rate of churn on internet technologies. Not only are new things being introduced all the time, but established technologies are evolving so rapidly, and increasingly introducing breaking changes between versions. I’m certainly feeling it. I’m …
April/May’s reading/watching/playing
As a result of travel, a busy entertaining schedule, and some work stuff, I’m way behind. On everything. In March and April I watched a number of Marvel films. I’m well into “Phase Two” now, having watched Captain America: Winter Soldier, and Ant-Man. I’ve even dipped a toe into “Phase Three”, with the second Guardians …
February’s reading/watching/playing
Finished much of my January stuff. A few stragglers. PC/Console: Dead Space 3 Book: Meditation For Fidgety Skeptics Movie: Ghost in the Shell original and remake Comic: The Star Wars Mobile Game: Monument Valley: Forgotten Shores and Monument Valley 2