Irvue for OS X

If you have a Mac, you should definitely get this app. It changes your wallpaper to a random selection from Unsplash after a configurable interval. irvue Source: Irvue for OS X

An easier way to kill processes

I’ve moved on from ps aux | grep -i processname; kill PID. The Mac (along with many other Unix-likes) has two handy utilities: pgrep and pkill. pgrep does a case-insensitive search for processes matching the expression you provide, and returns all matching PIDs, one per line. pkill does the same search, but just kills the …

Creating ssh keys for password-less sign on to remote systems

Below is the process required for setting up password-free sign in for “user” at a server called “”. I’ve added links to “Explain Shell” throughout so you can see an overview of what the commands and arguments do. First, create your .ssh directory by issuing the command mkdir -m 700 -p ~/.ssh. Secondly create the …

Archiving Sent Mail with imapfilter

My “sent” folders are a morass. I think that’s true of most folks. I wrote a little script in my imapfilter config.lua to duplicate some handy functionality from the venerable pine. I’m sure it could be cleaned up a bit, but it does the job for me. On the first of the month, it creates …

Editing the hosts file on Windows

I have to Google this once a week. It doesn’t stick. At least this way, maybe I’ll find my own site when I Google. The easiest thing to do is create a shortcut on the desktop. It should point to notepad.exe C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts Then run this shortcut as an administrator whenever you need to add a …