Using BBEdit’s shell worksheet to rename files

BBedit’s shell worksheet can be a really handy tool for batch renaming files. I was inspired to give it a shot after seeing a script that handed off a directory listing for editing. Here’s a really trivial example. Let’s say I have a directory containing the following files (and I’ve cd‘d to it in the …

An easier way to kill processes

I’ve moved on from ps aux | grep -i processname; kill PID. The Mac (along with many other Unix-likes) has two handy utilities: pgrep and pkill. pgrep does a case-insensitive search for processes matching the expression you provide, and returns all matching PIDs, one per line. pkill does the same search, but just kills the …

Quickly adding a link to the iOS Simulator

I was looking for a way to easily add a link to the iOS Simulator in my ~/Applications folder, but every explanation that worked for Mavericks seemed unnecessarily complicated to me. Here’s what I figured out myself: Open Xcode and launch the simulator as normal Control-click on the simulator icon in the dock, and select …

Cleaning formatting from text on the Mac OS X pasteboard

There are a number of apps floating around that can strip rich text formatting from whatever you’ve copied to the pasteboard. I’m not sure why you’d need to buy an app for this. Here are two ways to get plain text. ⌘⌥⇧V – Paste and match style will give you plain text if you’re pasting …

Hiding the WD Smartware virtual CD on a Mac

I really like Western Digital MyBook Essential drives. They’re inexpensive, they last (my 1TB drive is four or five years old, and survived moving between continents), and they’re reasonably quick. They have one drawback: a virtual CD they mount constantly. I’ve hidden the VCD on one of my drives using the WD software, but the …