JQuery function to absolutely position elements in a table cell

While table cells in HTML may look like block elements, they’re not, and thus you can’t absolutely position things inside them. I’ve been using a script that I’ve had for ages to get around this. The script would add a helper div around the contents of every cell that was relatively positioned. The benefit of …

Weekly link dump

SocialCount Despite pointing out that “Share this” buttons on most sites live between 0-24 shares, I still get plenty of requests for them. Next time I think I’ll forgo AddThis for SocialCount. It’s very lightweight (provided you’re already including JQuery), customizable, and loads in such a way that it won’t block the display of your …

Validating Canadian Postal Codes with the JQuery Validation Plugin

If you’re using the JQuery Validation Plugin, you can use the following code snippet to validate a Canadian postal code: jQuery.validator.addMethod(“cdnPostal”, function(postal, element) { return this.optional(element) || postal.match(/[a-zA-Z][0-9][a-zA-Z](-| |)[0-9][a-zA-Z][0-9]/); }, “Please specify a valid postal code.”); Then use the following rule: $(“#form”).validate({ rules: { postal_code: { required: true, cdnPostal: true } } });