Final Project
- Your blog, with
- an appropriately chosen theme
- a page describing your blog’s purpose
- at least two on-topic posts (use the shorter posts on my site as a guideline for length)
- tagged, and in categories
- one of which has a featured image (if your theme doesn’t support featured images, talk to me!)
- a customized widget
- something embedded via shortcodes, or a form
Submitting your Final Project
Email me (or use the Contact Form to send)
- Your name
- Your email address
- The address (URL) of your blog
Day One – Introduction
- Customize My Site
- Creating Content in (Follow “Add a Personal Touch”)
- How to customize the Academica theme
- An example site I created using the Academica theme – All the functionality you see here is part of the Acamedica theme, with the exception of the Members gallery
- Bruce Schneier: write your password down
- – memorable, secure passphrases
Day Two
Downloads for the demo blog
- header.jpg – for the top of your demo site
- featured.jpg – for your example post
- lipsum1.txt and lipsum2.txt – placeholder text for your post and page
- Public Domain Stock Photography
- Creative Commons Photography
- shortcodes
Day Three
No slides for today. We’ll be reviewing Day Two, and I’ll be working with you on your final projects
Learning More
- Safari Tech Books Online at the Toronto Public Library – thousands of tech books online, you just need a TPL library card
- WP Beginner – a good next-step from this course
- WordPress on Sitepoint
- WP101 at NetTuts